Magyar tudományos akadémia

Debreceni területi bizottsága

Ion channels in the pulmonary circulation

online - Zoom

Az MTA DAB Biofizikai, Biokémiai és Molekuláris Biológiai Munkabizottság szervezésében az alábbi on-line angol nyelvű tudományos előadás fog elhangzani.


Univ. Prof. Dr. med. Andrea Olschewski
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Medical University of Graz


Ion channels in the pulmonary circulation

2021. április 6., kedd, 8:30

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 915 6732 7838



Pulmonary circulation is a low pressure, low resistance, high flow system. The low resting vascular tone is maintained by the concerted action of ion channels, exchangers and pumps. Under physiological as well as pathophysiological conditions, they are targets of locally secreted or circulating vasodilators and/or vasoconstrictors, leading to changes in expression or to posttranslational modifications. Both structural changes in the pulmonary arteries and a sustained increase in pulmonary vascular tone result in pulmonary vascular remodeling contributing to morbidity and mortality in pediatric and adult patients. There is increasing evidence demonstrating the pivotal role of ion channels such as K+ and Cl- or transient receptor potential channels in different cell types which are thought to play a key role in vasoconstrictive remodeling. The talk focuses on two-pore domain K+ and calcium-activated Cl- ion channels in the pulmonary circulation and summarizes their putative pathophysiological as well as therapeutic role in pulmonary vascular remodeling. A better understanding of the mechanisms of their actions may allow development of new options for attenuating acute and chronic pulmonary vasoconstriction and remodeling treating the devastating disease pulmonary hypertension.


További információ:
Kormosné Dr. Goda Katalin Klára: