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Dr. Antonio Medina-Rivera (Cleaveland State University): Language perceptions and language attitudes in Puerto Rican Spanish

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Dr. Antonio Medina-Rivera (Cleveland State University):
Language perceptions and language attitudes in Puerto Rican Spanish

2021. november 18. (csütörtök) 18 óra


Az előadás angol nyelvű.


Although other European languages (e.g. German, Portuguese) evolved from having an alveolar multiple vibrant to a velar or uvular sound,  Puerto Rican Spanish is the only Spanish dialect with a dorsal variant of multiple vibrant /r/.  The multiple vibrant can appear as two “r” in the middle of a word (e.g. carro  [káro]), at the beginning of a word (rosa[rósa]), and after “l,” “s” or “n”  (alrededor, Israel, Enrique).   This study examines the standard alveolar pronunciation of multiple vibrant (r) vs. the non-standard dorsal pronunciation variant (velar or uvular) in Puerto Rican Spanish.  The sample for this study comes from a Facebook Comedy titled “Titi Gandinga.” A total of five trained linguists and 80 Spanish speakers listened to the 10 clips from the online show: seven clips included a non-standard pronunciation of (r) and three included a standard pronunciation. The analysis shows the perceptions of the linguists and how the perceptions of the other speakers are similar or different.  In addition, the study includes a questionnaire in order to examine language attitudes toward the velarization/uvularization of the multiple vibrant /r/ in Puerto Rican Spanish.

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