Lost in Publications? How to Find Your Way in 50 Million Scientific Documents
Jaakko Peltonen (Academy research fellow, docent, Centre of Excellence in Computational Inference Research and Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, Aalto University Associate professor, School of Information Sciences, University of Tampere) előadása Lost in Publications? How to Find Your Way in 50 Million Scientific Documents címmel
Az elődás rövid összefoglalója:
Researchers must navigate big data. Current scientific knowledge includes 50 million published articles. How can a system help a researcher find relevant documents in their field? We introduce IntentRadar, an interactive search user interface and search engine that anticipates the user's search intents by estimating them from the user's interaction with the interface. The estimated intents are visualized on a radial layout that organizes potential intents as directions in the information space. The intent radar assists users to direct their search by allowing feedback to be targeted on keywords that represent the potential intents. Users can provide feedback by manipulating the position of the keywords on the radar. The system then learns and visualizes improved estimates and corresponding documents. IntentRadar has been shown to significantly improve users' task performance and the quality of retrieved information without compromising task execution time.
szervezi: SZAB Informatikai Szakbizottság
kapcsolattartó: Dr. Dombi József